
Private Equity Fund V

Marktlink Capital is the Dutch investment company when it comes to private equity funds. We focus on private investors who want to grow their capital by making returns. The investment fund invests in unlisted companies, allowing you to create long-term value.

Are you interested? Then invest in our Private Equity Fund V.

Header-5 (2)

Spread across Europe and the U.S.

Target net return: 10-15%

Selection of the best funds

Investing in private equity

For this fund, we again choose to diversify based on geographies, strategies and sectors. The portfolio consists of approximately 15 funds that collectively invest in over 150+ different private companies. The target return is between 10-15% per year after fees, on the invested capital. Request the teaser for more information.

Excellent distribution
Participation exemption applicable*
10-15% target return, per year (after expenses)

Request the teaser now with more information on terms and conditions.

Investing is possible from EUR 250,000

The best private equity funds

Our experienced team has extensive knowledge and experience in the private equity market and, based on extensive market research and a careful due diligence process, selects only the best private equity funds with a strong track record** in Europe and North America. These are parties with established names and have proven themselves time and again by delivering consistently good results. Even when conditions are less favorable, such as during a crisis. These top funds often achieve gross returns between 20% and 25% per year. We limit concentration risk by diversifying investments across regions, sectors and strategies and we include sustainability criteria (ESG) in our selection process. Marktlink Capital offers you access to these top funds, which is normally practically impossible due to the high entry barriers.

*Also at fund level we aim to minimize VpB liabilities.

**There is no guarantee that the track record achieved in the past by private equity funds will also be achieved by the funds in which the private equity fund-of-funds V will invest.

> 0
> 0
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years of experience
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> 0
billion committed
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