
Venture Capital Fund III

Marktlink Capital is the Dutch investment company for growth equity and venture capital funds. Soon our third venture capital fund-of-funds will open. It invests in leading funds from Europe, Israel and North America focused on promising technology companies. For private investors, this is the opportunity to access a high-performing asset class with historically high returns.


Spread across Europe and the U.S.

Target net return of 10-20%

Selection of the best funds

Investing in venture capital

For this fund, we again choose to diversify based on geographies, strategies and sectors. The portfolio consists of approximately 10 to 20 funds that collectively invest in more than 250 different private companies.

Invest in Venture Capital Fund III soon and be the first to receive the teaser as soon as it becomes available.

Teaser cover - fof VC II
Excellent distribution
Selection of the best funds
10-20% target return, per year (after expenses)

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And be the first to receive the teaser as soon as it is available.

*Investment can start from EUR 250,000
Grafiek -spreiding rendement beleggingsklassen

The best Venture Capital funds

The average annual returns of European venture capital funds have been well above those of the stock market for years, but there is also a clear difference in quality between the funds themselves. The top funds have historically achieved gross returns (IRR) of above 30% per year.* Access to these funds is key to achieving systematically strong returns. Marktlink Capital has an experienced and multidisciplinary team with the expertise and network in the top end of the market. To do so, it employs a careful due diligence process based on extensive market research and a data-driven selection process. Through our fund-of-funds approach, we significantly reduce risk , investing spread across regions, sectors and strategies and incorporate sustainability (ESG) criteria into our selection. Marktlink Capital offers you access to these top funds, which is normally practically impossible due to limited access and high entry barriers.

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Get in touch with one of our fund managers

Our team consists of professionals who have years of experience at home and abroad. We know the sector like no other and you as an investor will reap the benefits.

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